今天一小姑娘问我能不能实现wx自动欢迎新人入群。刚开始听到这个要求,本以为会很简单,毕竟Github上有很多开源的项目,完全直接可以克隆一个,根据自己的需求进行一下修改。当时我这么想,也这么做了,结果发Wechat网页版被禁止登录了!!Github上很多开源项目都是基于wechat网页版,通过HTTP进行的交互。然后经过寻找发现了一个WechatPCAPI ,解决了我的问题。
下面进入正题: 首先将WechatPCAPI克隆到我们的目录,如下。
1 2 3 4 5 from WechatPCAPI import WechatPCAPIimport timeimport loggingfrom queue import Queueimport threading
1 2 3 queue_recved_message = Queue() queue_groups=Queue() queue_Members=Queue()
1 2 3 4 5 class Person : def __init__ (self ): self .chatroom_id = "" self .wx_id = "" self .nick_name = ""
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 def thead_handle_mess (wx_inst ): while True : if not queue_recved_message.empty(): message = queue_recved_message.get() if 'friend::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if chatroom in message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_name' ,"" ): queue_groups.put(message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_id' ,"" )) elif 'member::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): Per=Person() Per.chatroom_id=message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_id' ,"" ) Per.wx_id = message.get('data' , {}).get('wx_id' , "" ) Per.nick_name = message.get('data' , {}).get('wx_nickname' , "" ) queue_Members.put(Per)
1 2 3 4 5 def thead_handle_getmember (wx_inst,Group_list ): while True : for group in Group_list: wx_inst.get_member_of_chatroom(group) time.sleep(20 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 def get_group_list (): Group_list=[] while queue_groups.empty(): time.sleep(1 ) while not queue_groups.empty(): Group_list.append(queue_groups.get()) return Group_list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 def get_existed_member (wx_inst,Group_list ): member_groups={} for group in Group_list: wx_inst.get_member_of_chatroom(group) while queue_Members.empty(): time.sleep(0.5 ) while not queue_Members.empty(): Person=queue_Members.get() if Person.chatroom_id not in member_groups.keys(): member_group={Person.chatroom_id:[Person]} member_groups.update(member_group) elif Person.wx_id not in get_all_id(member_group[Person.chatroom_id]): member_group[Person.chatroom_id].append(Person) return member_groups
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 def thread_handle_member_welcome (wx_inst,member_groups ): groups=member_groups with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) mess = j['mess' ] while True : if not queue_Members.empty(): Person=queue_Members.get() if Person.wx_id not in get_all_id(groups[Person.chatroom_id]): add_member(Person,groups) try : wx_inst.send_text(to_user=Person.chatroom_id,msg=mess, at_someone=Person.wx_id) except Exception as e: print (e) print ("Say welcome to {}" .format (Person.nick_name)) else : pass else : pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 def get_all_id (List ): id_list=[] for i in List : id_list.append(i.wx_id) return id_listdef add_member (Person,member_groups ): member_groups[Person.chatroom_id].append(Person)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 def main (): print ("初始化中...请稍候!" ) wx_inst=WechatPCAPI(on_message=onmessage) wx_inst.start_wechat(block=True ) time.sleep(3 ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_mess,args=(wx_inst,)).start() wx_inst.update_frinds() Group_list=get_group_list() member_groups=get_existed_member(wx_inst,Group_list) print ("运行中...." ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_getmember,args=(wx_inst,Group_list,)).start() threading.Thread(target=thread_handle_member_welcome,args=(wx_inst,member_groups,)).start()def onmessage (message ): queue_recved_message.put(message)
1 2 file_name = str (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d" , time.localtime()))+".log" logging.basicConfig(filename=file_name,level=logging.INFO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 from WechatPCAPI import WechatPCAPIimport timeimport loggingfrom queue import Queueimport threading file_name = str (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d" , time.localtime()))+".log" logging.basicConfig(filename=file_name,level=logging.INFO) queue_recved_message = Queue() queue_groups=Queue() queue_Members=Queue()class Person : def __init__ (self ): self .chatroom_id = "" self .wx_id = "" self .nick_name = "" def onmessage (message ): queue_recved_message.put(message)def thead_handle_mess (wx_inst ): while True : if not queue_recved_message.empty(): message = queue_recved_message.get() if 'friend::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if chatroom in message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_name' ,"" ): queue_groups.put(message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_id' ,"" )) elif 'member::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): Per=Person() Per.chatroom_id=message.get('data' ,{}).get('chatroom_id' ,"" ) Per.wx_id = message.get('data' , {}).get('wx_id' , "" ) Per.nick_name = message.get('data' , {}).get('wx_nickname' , "" ) queue_Members.put(Per)def thead_handle_getmember (wx_inst,Group_list ): while True : for group in Group_list: wx_inst.get_member_of_chatroom(group) time.sleep(60 )def get_group_list (): Group_list=[] while queue_groups.empty(): time.sleep(1 ) while not queue_groups.empty(): Group_list.append(queue_groups.get()) return Group_listdef get_existed_member (wx_inst,Group_list ): member_groups={} for group in Group_list: wx_inst.get_member_of_chatroom(group) while queue_Members.empty(): time.sleep(0.5 ) while not queue_Members.empty(): Person=queue_Members.get() if Person.chatroom_id not in member_groups.keys(): member_group={Person.chatroom_id:[Person]} member_groups.update(member_group) elif Person.wx_id not in get_all_id(member_group[Person.chatroom_id]): member_group[Person.chatroom_id].append(Person) return member_groupsdef thread_handle_member_welcome (wx_inst,member_groups ): groups=member_groups with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) mess = j['mess' ] while True : if not queue_Members.empty(): Person=queue_Members.get() if Person.wx_id not in get_all_id(groups[Person.chatroom_id]): add_member(Person,groups) try : wx_inst.send_text(to_user=Person.chatroom_id,msg=mess, at_someone=Person.wx_id) except Exception as e: print (e) print ("Say welcome to {}" .format (Person.nick_name)) else : pass else : pass def main (): print ("初始化中...请稍候!" ) wx_inst=WechatPCAPI(on_message=onmessage) wx_inst.start_wechat(block=True ) time.sleep(3 ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_mess,args=(wx_inst,)).start() wx_inst.update_frinds() Group_list=get_group_list() member_groups=get_existed_member(wx_inst,Group_list) print ("运行中...." ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_getmember,args=(wx_inst,Group_list,)).start() threading.Thread(target=thread_handle_member_welcome,args=(wx_inst,member_groups,)).start()def get_all_id (List ): id_list=[] for i in List : id_list.append(i.wx_id) return id_listdef add_member (Person,member_groups ): member_groups[Person.chatroom_id].append(Person)if __name__ == "__main__" : main()
下面是对脚本进行部分优化 首先,目录结构不用变动,我们只是修改Main.py的一些功能函数。
1 2 3 4 5 from WechatPCAPI import WechatPCAPIimport timeimport loggingfrom queue import Queueimport threading
1 2 3 queue_recved_message = Queue() queue_groups=Queue() queue_Members=Queue()
1 2 3 4 class Person : def __init__ (self ): self .chatroom_id = "" self .nick_name = ""
接下来定义处理消息队列的函数,首先还是要获取指定关键词的群列表。由于群成员新进群或者被移除群聊时,wx都会产生一条消息,这条消息的类型是‘msg::chatroom’ ,数据类型是‘10000’,具体的消息内容就是‘xxx通过xx方式加入了群聊’或者‘xxx被移除了群聊’,所以要响应新成员进群,我们只需要判断‘msg::chatroom’的chatroom_id,以及消息内容便可。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 def thead_handle_mess (wx_inst ): with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) chatroom=j['chatroom' ] while True : if not queue_recved_message.empty(): message = queue_recved_message.get() if 'friend::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if chatroom in message.get('data' , {}).get('chatroom_name' , "" ): queue_groups.put(message.get( 'data' , {}).get('chatroom_id' , "" )) elif 'msg::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if 'data_type' in message.get('data' ).keys(): if message.get('data' ).get('data_type' ) == '10000' and "加入" in message.get('data' ).get('msg' ): Per = Person() Per.chatroom_id =message.get('data' ).get('from_chatroom_wxid' ) Per.nick_name = message.get('data' ).get('msg' ).split("\"" )[1 ] queue_Members.put(Per)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 def get_group_list (): Group_list = [] while queue_groups.empty(): time.sleep(1 ) while not queue_groups.empty(): Group_list.append(queue_groups.get()) return Group_list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 def thread_handle_member_welcome (wx_inst, group_list ): groups = group_list with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) mess=j['mess' ] while True : if not queue_Members.empty(): Person = queue_Members.get() if Person.chatroom_id in groups: M=str (Person.nick_name)+"," +mess wx_inst.send_text(to_user=Person.chatroom_id,msg=M) print ("say welcome to {}" .format (Person.nick_name)) time.sleep(2 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 def main (): print ("初始化中...请稍候!" ) wx_inst = WechatPCAPI(on_message=onmessage) wx_inst.start_wechat(block=True ) while not wx_inst.get_myself(): time.sleep(3 ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_mess, args=(wx_inst,)).start() wx_inst.update_frinds() Group_list = get_group_list() print ("运行中...." ) threading.Thread(target=thread_handle_member_welcome,args=(wx_inst, Group_list,)).start()
1 2 file_name = str (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d" , time.localtime()))+".log" logging.basicConfig(filename=file_name,level=logging.INFO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 from WechatPCAPI import WechatPCAPIimport timeimport loggingfrom queue import Queueimport threading file_name = str (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d" , time.localtime()))+".log" logging.basicConfig(filename=file_name, level=logging.INFO) queue_recved_message = Queue() queue_groups = Queue() queue_Members = Queue() class Person : def __init__ (self ): self .chatroom_id = "" self .nick_name = "" def onmessage (message ): queue_recved_message.put(message)def thead_handle_mess (wx_inst ): with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) chatroom=j['chatroom' ] while True : if not queue_recved_message.empty(): message = queue_recved_message.get() if 'friend::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if chatroom in message.get('data' , {}).get('chatroom_name' , "" ): queue_groups.put(message.get( 'data' , {}).get('chatroom_id' , "" )) elif 'msg::chatroom' in message.get('type' ): if 'data_type' in message.get('data' ).keys(): if message.get('data' ).get('data_type' ) == '10000' and "加入" in message.get('data' ).get('msg' ): Per = Person() Per.chatroom_id =message.get('data' ).get('from_chatroom_wxid' ) Per.nick_name = message.get('data' ).get('msg' ).split("\"" )[1 ] queue_Members.put(Per)def get_group_list (): Group_list = [] while queue_groups.empty(): time.sleep(1 ) while not queue_groups.empty(): Group_list.append(queue_groups.get()) return Group_listdef thread_handle_member_welcome (wx_inst, group_list ): groups = group_list with open ('config.json' , 'r' )as f: j = json.loads(f.read()) mess=j['mess' ] while True : if not queue_Members.empty(): Person = queue_Members.get() if Person.chatroom_id in groups: M=str (Person.nick_name)+"," +mess wx_inst.send_text(to_user=Person.chatroom_id,msg=M) print ("say welcome to {}" .format (Person.nick_name)) time.sleep(2 )def main (): print ("初始化中...请稍候!" ) wx_inst = WechatPCAPI(on_message=onmessage) wx_inst.start_wechat(block=True ) while not wx_inst.get_myself(): time.sleep(3 ) threading.Thread(target=thead_handle_mess, args=(wx_inst,)).start() wx_inst.update_frinds() Group_list = get_group_list() print ("运行中...." ) threading.Thread(target=thread_handle_member_welcome,args=(wx_inst, Group_list,)).start()if __name__ == "__main__" : main()